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Out Of Office: A Travel Podcast

Nov 27, 2018

What separates a perfect souvenir from a piece of junk? Tune in to learn Kiernan’s 3 Ps of Souvenir Buying, why you should try to sell Ryan a rug, and how to pronounce “capybara.”

Things we talked about in today’s episode:

Nov 20, 2018

Ryan has spent a lot of time in jails, mostly voluntarily. The boys discuss visiting jails-turned-attraction and the moral complications of turning criminal justice into tourism. There is only one joke about soap.

Things we talked about in today’s episode:

Nov 13, 2018

Why does international travel still rely on a weird little notebook that’s so easily lost or stolen? The boys unveil secrets you never knew about your passport and discuss the only way to capture the perfect photo for your newborn’s passport.

Things we talked about in today’s episode:

Nov 6, 2018

Do you know the exact number of pesos in your pocket? The boys talk through how to use cash in foreign lands, avoid fictional pickpockets, and ensure you always have enough money on-hand to do everything you want to do. Plus Kiernan explains why he might be banned from all cabs in Morocco.